Jonathan Levin is a co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Chainalysis, a company that traces the blockchain for multiple cryptocurrencies and provides many services regarding cryptocurrency. He has a Master’s Degree in Economics from Oxford University and was recently recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of 40 under 40 influencers in finance.
email: jonathan@chainalysis.com
Twitter: @jony_levin
In this episode, we discuss:
- How Chainalysis started
- How the Mount Gox bankruptcy started Chainalysis as the leader in tracing Bitcoin
- How Chainalysis is fighting fraud and money laundering markets. See http://markets.chainalysis.com
- Certifications and courses that Chainalysis provides (Reactor, Know Your Transaction)
- Why financial institutions need to monitor and understand cryptocurrency
- What steps to take to start a career in tracing cryptocurrency
- Why cryptocurrency is more of a technology than financial transactions
- Chainalysis helped the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation and other federal agencies in an international child abuse and money laundering investigation on Welcome to Video (https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/south-korean-national-and-hundreds-others-charged-worldwide-takedown-largest-darknet-child)
- His motivation is to stop bad actors from using the blockchain and to expand the technology worldwide
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